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September 22, 2008

Richard Dawkins infected with Satanic ‘virus of mind', Christian group claims

It's been an action-packed week for anyone who enjoys a good old row between science and religion, faith and reason, the men in white coats and the ones in dog collars.

First we had physicists flicking a very expensive switch in their hunt for the God particle (although surely this is doomed to failure if they don't believe He exists).

Then Prof Michael Reiss, director of education for the Royal Society, claimed teachers should discuss creationism with pupils and that "banging on about evolution" didn't change the beliefs of the devoutly religious.

This prompted a furious response from many of the society's members, including two Nobel laureates, who demanded that Prof Reiss be sacked and asked why an ordained Church of England minister should hold such an important role in Britain's leading scientific organisation.

Next the Church of England decided to muddy the waters by saying sorry to Charles Darwin for criticising his theory of evolution. No doubt he would have preferred to have received the apology 126 years ago or so when he was alive, but still, it's the thought that counts.

Now Christian Voice, the evangelical group best known for leading opposition to Jerry Springer - The Opera, has tried to get in on the act by issuing a public apology to Britain's best-known atheist, Prof Richard Dawkins.

In a parody of the Church's letter to Darwin, it declares that it has decided to issue a posthumous apology to the (very much alive) scientist and best-selling author "despite him being spiritually dead for over 60 years".

Christian Voice said although it previously described him as "malicious, loony, ill-informed and stupid in equal measure", it has now decided his opposition to religion is not down to science but a "virus of the mind" put there by "the father of lies" (ie Satan, not traditionally known for his interest in teaching evolutionary theory).

It concludes: "Above all, we now realise, that contrary to being a complete waste of space and a descendant of apes, you are actually made in the image of God.

"We realise that although you are still stupid, that is simply because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and that your eyes are blinded and your ears will not hear any contrary view. In short, we now see you are a sinner in need of the saving, life-transforming grace of God in Jesus Christ."

Sadly Prof Dawkins seems unwilling to keep the row going and is not commenting on the rather un-Christian attack on his character.

We really need God to step in and settle this dispute once and for all.